Construction of 3 runways 5 kilometres long with their associated taxiways and platforms giving access to the terminal

Project for the future NAICM Mexico airport

Location : Courpière (63)

Project owner : Ville de Courpière

The construction of Mexico City’s future airport is a real geotechnical challenge.

Located on the former Texcoco lake, a very precise study had to be carried out because the water table is practically on the surface and certain areas can be flooded during rainy periods.

A large number of geotechnical tests such as CPT, CPTu, SPT, as well as PANDA® dynamic penetrometer tests, had to be carried out to determine the thickness and characteristics of the surface layer, which plays an important role in the access of site machinery and the design of pavements and runways.

To date, more than 500 PANDA® tests to depths of up to 6 m have been carried out using this economical and easy-to-use technique.

Stay tuned
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