Our in-house Research, Development and Innovation (R&D&I) department ensures the constant evolution of measuring devices, processes, innovative methodologies and the design of associated software and applications.

Research, Development and Innovation are in our DNA: each year, at least 10% of turnover is dedicated to R&D&I.

We are committed to implementing the necessary means to develop and maintain an independent scientific and technical mindset.

To this end, a multidisciplinary team of 12 engineers and doctors (civil engineering, geotechnics, geophysics, mechanics, electronics, mathematics, physics, data science and computer science) work daily on our processes to serve our vision: “to reveal the potential of the soil to contribute to sustainable structures”.

The strategic research areas that structure R&D&I are

  • Instrumentation and development of in-situ measurement equipment.
  • Analysis of images, transient signals and geophysical measurements.
  • Physical and numerical modelling (FEM/DEM),
  • Programming, spatial modelling and geotechnical calculation.
  • DATA: numerisation and digitalisation of in-situ measurements, constitution of databases, application of Machine Learning (ML), Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools and Data Fusion techniques to the different measurement or geotechnical engineering processes.

Our overall objective is to provide our clients with the best tools and methodologies to provide the input data to optimise the work by :

  • Valuing the soil in-situ to preserve the soil resource and quarry materials.
  • Proposing targeted actions on pathological areas.
  • Facilitating in-situ measurement processes up to geotechnical calculation.
  • Ensuring the control of accepted works to guarantee their durability over time.

Integrating different skills and a remarkable work dynamic, the Research, Development and Innovation team can respond to any type of need: specific design of measurement equipment, calibration and modelling of equipment in the laboratory, modelling of material behavior, software development, etc.

As far as its patent portfolio is concerned, the company has about twenty patents registered internationally on the measurement equipment and methodologies designed by R&D&I.

Since its creation, Sol Solution has supervised and financed some fifteen CIFRE ANRT theses and maintains strong partnerships with various universities in France and throughout the world (Germany, Spain, Chile, Mexico, USA, Canada, etc.). It is also a member of the National Association for Research and Technology (ANRT) and participates actively in the standardization committees in France (BNTRA) and in the technical and scientific groups of the International Society of Soil Mechanics (ISSMGE), the CFMS, the CFG and the TRB (Transportation Research Board, USA).

Sol Solution provides equity financing for an average of 5 R&D projects per year, including CIFRE theses, but also participates in collaborative projects such as :

  • Projet Innotrack
  • Projet ANR Meditoss (RATP, UCA, Insa de Lyon, Sol Solution…)
  • Projet Micropieux (FNTP, UCA, Polytech)
  • Projet Colibry (ADS, Armée de l’Air, 25ème RGA & Sol Solution)
  • Projet Parrasol (Limagrain, Michelin, Sol Solution…)
  • Projet FUI-24 EMeRG3r : élaboration des méthodes de reconnaissance géotechnique de 3ème génération (Fondasol, CIO Systems, UGE, ENPC, Sol Solution)
  • Projet Fondef Chili (PUCV, Sernageomin, Minera Pudahuel, Sol Solution)

Stay tuned
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