A13 motorway – Buchelay (78)
Mission G3
Project owner : CU GRAND PARIS
Project manager : SCE

SOL SOLUTION has been commissioned by NGE Fondations 69 to carry out a G3 geotechnical study as part of the construction of two nail walls for the “Les Aureines” and “Les Graviers” business parks in BUCHELAY (78).
A right-turn lane is to be built under the eastern span of a crossing structure between the two business parks. On the west side of the structure, a soft lane (for pedestrians and cyclists) also needs to be built.
These 2 developments require the stiffening of each of the two rip-rap structures located beneath the structure.
The supporting calculations were carried out in accordance with current regulations (Eurocodes, national application standards, Clouterre1991 and Addendum 2002).
In addition to the traditional dimensioning of the 2 walls, Sol Solution carried out modelling using Plaxis® to accurately estimate displacements.