The geotechnical web application developed by Sol Solution
Geotechnical software dedicated to the management and interpretation of penetrometric and bearing capacity data. Innovation designed and developed by Sol Solution.
This online application is compatible with all Sol Solution equipment.
Websprint© offers you a space to store, manage and interpret your soundings coming from materials:
- Penetrometric soundings (PANDA®, GRIZZLY®, e-KODIAK®, PANDITO®)
- Bearing capacity tests (lightweight dynamic deflectometers)
It is also possible to create other types of soundings:
- Bearing capacity tests (static plate)
- Geological soundings
- Others: CPT, SPT, DCP, etc.
All soundings are geolocated or can be geolocated on a proposed base map or on your own map.
In addition, you can enter information specific to the site, the soundings, and store the various important documents of your project.
These soundings can then be interpreted using various modules:
Websprint© allows you to edit test reports or complete reports including all necessary information.
Your storage space is secure and Websprint© guarantees the integrity, availability and confidentiality of your data.
Websprint© is also a collaborative tool: within the same company, the different licence holders have access to the same space and to all the projects, allowing them to take over and save time in case of absence.
Compaction control module
Establish your backfill model by entering for each layer of constant quality:
- The required quality level: Q2, Q3, Q4 or Q5*.
- The class of material used: GTR/DCi* classification
- The thickness of the layer
*For PANDA® other grades (% OPN, %OPM) and classifications (USCS, AASHTO, PG-3, etc.) are available.
Create a backfill library that is available for all your projects and can be shared with your collaborators.
Apply your backfill to your penetrograms, Websprint© will automatically detect the presence or absence of compaction anomalies.
Quickly edit your PV or compaction control test report.
Module compatible with PANDA® and GRIZZLY®.
Read more : Compaction control module.
Soil investigation module
Analyse your field data by comparing your penetrograms with geological sections.
Estimate the bearing capacity of the soil from the penetrograms.
Create test reports to be included in your geotechnical reports.
Module compatible with PANDA®, GRIZZLY® and e-KODIAK®.
Read more : Soil investigation Module.
Correlation module
Have a library of correlations from the geotechnical literature.
From your penetrometric data you can :
- Determine geotechnical parameters such as: bulk density, friction angle, shear strength, etc.
- Determine bearing capacity parameters such as: odometer modulus or CBR index
- Correlate with other tests such as: CPT, SPT, pressure meter, etc.
Websprint© also allows you to establish your own correlations.
Compatible with PANDA®, GRIZZLY® and e-KODIAK®.
Read more : Correlation Module.
Bearing capacity control
Retrieve your data from the lightweight dynamic deflectometer or enter field loading data of the static plate.
Set a threshold value on the deformation module of your choice (EV2, EV1, EV2/EV1, Kw, or EVd available depending on the data used). Websprint© will automatically detect whether or not the tests are compliant.
Quickly and easily edit your bearing capacity test report, with the geolocation of your soundings.
Read more : Bearing capacity control Module.
Liquefaction risk assessment module
Intended for experts, this Websprint© module is the only software incorporating the 4 main methods based on in situ tests (dynamic penetrometer, SPT, CPT, Vs). The applied calculations are based on geotechnical literature and are internationally recognized.
Define your calculation model by integrating geographical, seismic (integrated Eurocode 8 assistant), geological and project data.
Integrate mechanical data from in situ tests such as: dynamic penetrometer (PANDA®, GRIZZY® or e-KODIAK®), SPT, CPT or Vs (shear wave velocity).
Use the calculation method of your choice and let Websprint© guide you to enter the parameters required for the analysis.
The application will ultimately determine the safety factor, the seismo-induced settlements and the liquefiable heights as a function of depth.
In addition, a summary will show the calculated liquefaction potential index and the overall assessment of the site’s sensitivity to liquefaction risk.
Export the results or generate a test report with all input data and assessments.
Read more: Liquefaction risk assessment module.
Shallow foundations module
This new Websprint© module allows you to geotechnically dimension a shallow foundation based on the results of your tests.
With Websprint© you can :
- Define your calculation model: geographical, geological data and project facilities.
- Enter your SLS and ULS loads.
- Dimension shallow foundations using dynamic penetrometer soundings (PANDA®, GRIZZLY®).
- Dimensioning shallow foundations in accordance with the Eurocode 7 application standard (NF P 94-261) using pressiometers, CPT(u) and the analytical method.
- Carry out the additional checks in accordance with appendix F of EC8-5 for ULS-Seismic.
- Easily duplicate, edit and parameterise a calculation model to compare different solutions.
- Generate a test report with all input data and calculation assumptions as well as the results of the verification tables.
Find out more : Shallow foundations – Websprint
All Sol Solution hardware is compatible with Websprint© in the storage space and the exploitation of their data depends on the module used:
Compaction control module | PANDA® / GRIZZLY® |
Soil investigation module | PANDA® / GRIZZLY® / e-KODIAK |
Correlation Module | PANDA® / GRIZZLY® / e-KODIAK |
Bearing capacity control | Light dynamic deflectometer |
Liquefaction Risk Assessment Module | PANDA® / GRIZZLY® / e-KODIAK |
For static plate loading tests, the field data can be entered manually and the deformation moduli (EV2 modulus or Weetergard Kw coefficient) calculated by Websprint© and then evaluated in the Beauring capacity control Module.
Mechanical data from other types of tests can be entered manually or in Excel format for viewing and editing test reports: CPT, DCP, DPH, DPL, DPM, DPSH-A, DPSH-B, SPT, Vs etc.
CPT, SPT and Vs data can be used in the Liquefaction Risk Assessment module.
Sol Solution offers technical training in the field of geotechnics applied to civil engineering and public works. The use and interpretation of data acquired by the company’s equipment such as dynamic penetrometers can be included in our training courses. All of our trainers are from the field of earth sciences or civil engineering (geotechnician, geologist, […]
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Are you using WEBSPRINT© but need a refresher? You’ll find our online tutorials for the major functions and tips and tricks in Datasprint and in the Mineprint modules.
Our tutorials