Kessler-Rabanesse district (63)
Discover the possible applications of our M3S® geotextile process
Project owner : Town of Clermont-Ferrand
Project manager : EGIS
Company : GUINTOLI

The project involves the redevelopment of the Kessler-Rabanesse district in CLERMONT-FERRAND (63). The works involve the construction of two buildings close to a listed structure (the Tour de Rabanesse). The ground levels and pedestrian areas are supported by a structure made of soil reinforced with M3S® geotextiles.
The structure is backfilled with 0/20 pozzolanic material in order to limit the stresses transmitted to the underlying soil. The latter covers archaeological remains that made it impossible to build a conventional foundation system (low load-bearing capacity, compressibility of the soil over time, etc.).
At the front, a facing of prefabricated slabs rests on a sill made at the foot of the structure and does not take up any earth pressure (the latter being supported by the M3S® retaining structure).